At Integris Neuro we take pride in building our team with registered technologists.
By sharing exam statistics our hope is to encourage and provide resources for you on your journey towards registry.
Just a quick look back at the Exam Statistics over the last 5 years:
2019 - 85% (447 candidates)
2020 - 82% (392 candidates)
2021 - 77% (507 candidates)
2022 - 77% (437 candidates)
2023 - 49% (503 candidates)
For many the drop in the 2023 pass rate could be of concern; however, including a note from ABRET about the drop in 2023:
The examination has not changed. The same two exams (Form A and Form B) have been rotated across 2022, 2023, and 2024. They are statistically comparable.
In 2023, candidates who tested at Prometric Centers had a higher pass rate than candidates using a live remote proctor through ProProctor.
So when testing - consider utilizing a testing center instead of taking it remotely.
Some additional things to note about the stats:
Repeat test takers are not included.
With the exception of last year - more than 3/4ths of all test takers passed!
ABRET offers 4 Pathway’s to registry – which is AWESOME because we need to make this process accessible to the thousands of technicians working in this field.
And the most important thing to note:
However a technician qualifies to take the exam – our field needs you!
There are a whole host of resources available to you – You.Got.This!
For one in particular - please click here to subscribe to our blog. Don’t forget to scroll back to earlier posts - all good information that you’ll find on the Content Outline of the Exam.
Helpful Tip: Be sure to sign up for the ASAP practice test on the ABRET site before you take the actual exam. It’s an expensive test! You want to be sure you are doing well on the practice test before you try the real thing.
For those of us who this field has been good to - we want to be sure we leave it stronger than we found it – we are here for you!
To request special topics of your interest - please reach out.
Just email:
Would love to help!
To reference these exam stats and previous year’s pass rates – just click here to access the ABRET site directly.
Roya Tompkins, MS, REEG/EP T, RPSGT