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Accelerate Your Summer

Roya Tompkins

“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” – Dorothy Parker

So in our all things Neurodiagnostic blog we would be missing out if it didn’t dedicate a post to the upcoming ASET conference in July.

First off – Why go?

The reasons are many…here are just a few:

Networking – it’s a great way to meet like minded people with similar career interests.  Getting to know your industry peers gives you the opportunity to expand your network and connections as well as learning from others.

CEUs – whether you are planning to sit for your boards or renew them….we all need them.

Exhibit Hall Opportunities -  this is a great place to get insights on the latest trends.  Sometimes in our every day we see things only our way.  This opportunity to see what is up and coming encourages growth that we can then bring back home.

Resume Boost - adding event experiences to your resume is a great way of showing your future employers that you care about your profession and that you are actively engaged.

and one last point – it’s in Phoenix!  

I recall many years ago when I first entered into the field and started attending these conferences - it helped solidify my interest, expand my knowledge base, increased my connections and really helped confirm for me why I love working in Neurodiagnostics.

Whether you need CEUs or just need a jump start to your career – check out the conference link below. 

Roya Tompkins, MS, REEG/EP T, RPSGT

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