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10-20 Measurement System

Roya Tompkins

How do you measure?

As the saying goes - all roads lead to Rome!

However you get there though - one thing is for sure:

The end result should be the same.

The ACNS guidelines state the following:

All 21 electrodes and placements recommended by the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology should be used. The 10-20 System is the only one officially recommended by the IFCN.

For the full guideline:  click here.

A quick search on YouTube and you’ll find multiple examples; however, whichever method you choose:

Accuracy is important.

And skipping the measurement for compliant patients is not considered the standard of care; as well as, is outside the guidelines for this medical procedure.

Here's a quick road map:

1) Find your patient’s nasion, inion and pre-auricular points:

2) Using centimeters measure from the nasion to the inion.

3) Calculate 10% and 20% (quick tip: move the decimal over for 10% and double that for 20%).  For example, a measurement of 35 cm becomes 3.5 cm for the 10% mark and then 7.0 cm for the 20% mark.  

4) Do the same thing from the pre-auricular to pre-auricular - now you have your first cross at CZ.

5) Next is the circumference and frankly, the most challenging part of the measurement.  Measure around the circumference of the head - each location will be 10% from each other.  However, you have to start somewhere:  using the nose as the midline make a cross on the forehead and put 1/2 of 10% on one side (5%) for Fp1 and 1/2 on the other for Fp2.

6) Then continue around using 10% for all of your marks.  Be sure to make them intersect with the marks made in Step 1 and 2.  Also use those earlier step marks as a guide to cross F7/F8 and T5/T6.

7) The last 4 steps all use 25% - measure from Fp1 to O1 (using the C3 location as a guide).  Repeat on the other side.

8) Now the only remaining locations that do not have a cross are F3, FZ, and F4 in the front and P3, PZ, and P4 in the back.

9) Referencing the same photo and still using 25% - measure from F7 thru FZ to F8.  Half the measurement at FZ and then cross 25% the distance for F3 and F4.  Repeat the same steps for T5 thru PZ to T6. 

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Roya Tompkins, MS, REEG/EP T, RPSGT

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